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  4. How do I submit my Continuing Education Units (CEUs) on myICC?
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  4. How do I submit my Continuing Education Units (CEUs) on myICC?

How do I submit my Continuing Education Units (CEUs) on myICC?

CEUs are submitted through your myICC account. Click here for a step-by-step article that will guide you through the process.

Have questions on how to submit specific CEUs? Click on an article in the Renewals Articles in the right hand column.

For information on renewals, read the ICC Credentialing Renewal Bulletin

Part 1: ICC and/or Preferred Provider - 50% of CEUs are required to be Part 1; may be used for up to 100% of CEUs.

Option 01: Participation as a student in an on-site seminar or technical session; Instructor in an on-site seminar or technical session; Successful completion of an e-Learning program (online, virtual, approved e-based training)
Option 02: Participation or attendance at ICC Code Development hearings; can acquire up to a maximum of 10 clock hours per year.
Option 03: Participation or attendance at ICC Code development hearings through cdpACCESS log-in; can acquire up to a maximum of 30 clock hours per year.

Part 2: Alternative Opportunities - Options that qualify for the remaining percentage of CEUs

Option 04: Participation as a student in an on-site seminar or technical session; Instructor in an on-site seminar or technical session; Successful completion of an e-Learning program through an approved electronic-based training
Option 05: Obtaining a new ICC Certification by taking and passing a certification exam. Applies only to full certification exams, not module exams.
Option 06: Participation as a student in a code-related or building design/construction-related course for an academic institution*; Instruction of a code-related or building design/construction-related course for an accredited academic institution*
Option 07: Participation in a formally documented in-house training program during employment as a code official, plans examiner, permit technician, or inspector. **
Option 08
Service on the ICC Board of Directors.
Option 09
Service on an ICC Committee, ICC Subsidiary Board of Directors, or as an ICC Chapter officer
Option 10
Publication of a code-related or building design/construction paper, book or technical article for an academic institution, professional trade journal, or ICC publication.
Option 11
Completion of evaluation in a role as an IAS Building Department Evaluator.

*An accredited institution is a high school, community college, junior college, university, technical or vocational school, or any private educational
agency accredited by the international Association of Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
**Documentation, up to and including certificates of completion, may be required to authenticate listed activities

Updated on March 25, 2025

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