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What is the difference between the International Green Construction Code and other systems and standards such as LEED, Green Globes, etc.

The IGCC creates a regulatory framework for new and existing commercial and high performance buildings. Rating systems are not written in the form of enforceable codes, acting as optional approaches. It is anticipated that the IgCC will look to existing rating systems and standards as resources in developing the regulatory framework.

Further, to use one example, a rating system awards points based on the inclusion of certain design elements and other features. The assumption is that the combination and concentration of favored elements will result in a positive environmental impact. The IgCC will build on that foundation to ensure that measurable building performance and an adherence to building safety will be featured in the model code language.

The International Codes, or “I-Codes” are developed through a multi-step process that reflects the consensus of building safety and sustainability experts from the public and private sectors. The first step involves an expert committee developing a draft through a series of committee meetings followed by submitting the draft for public comment, after which the revised draft goes through two hearings. At each hearing, the drafts can be amended before a final version is approved. The hearings and committee meetings are open to the public and allow for comments from members and non-members alike. The final version is adopted by the ICC “governmental members” who represent local, state or federal agencies – the very individuals who will be responsible for enforcing the codes.

Updated on October 31, 2017

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