I hold an ICC Certification. Does that mean I get ICC Member benefits? Not necessarily. Membership is a service that provides discounts on our products and special offers. Annual Membership dues are required...
Where can I get CEUs? CEUs can be used to renew your certifications with ICC, or even just to stay up to date with recent...
How do I renew my certification? In most cases, you will need to have a certain number of continuing education credits (CEUs) to renew your certification....
What if I have multiple certifications with different expiration dates? You have the option of having one expiration date for all of your certifications. If you need additional assistance, please...
How are CEU’s calculated? Continuing Education Units are measured by taking 1/10 of the time of the course. For example, a one hour course...
I don’t see my old (expired) certification available for online renewal. Where is it? If your certification is in an inactive status, when you select the Submit Renewal Application, it will be available...
What if I have six certifications and renew them at different times? How many CEUs do I have to have? Great news! Through the new myICC portal you can choose to renew certificates at the same time, even if those...
I don’t see my particular renewal program available for online renewal. Where is it? Certifications that require prerequisites/retesting that ICC needs to verify cannot be renewed online. You may still enter CEU activity online,...
What do I do if my certification is inactive (not renewed by the expiration date)? If you’re certification is currently inactive, you can still renew it. Depending on how long the certificate has been expired,...
Does ICC verify the Continuing Education (CEUs) submitted for renewal? You are responsible for deciding which professional development is most appropriate for your needs, and when you submit your certification...