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2018 IBC Reprint FAQs

To help clarify this situation, we’ve identified that there are some errors in the code that took place during the publication process, specifically pertaining to missing mathematical symbols. The Code Council has investigated the source of these errors and taken every step to correct the issue and prevent any future issues of this nature.

This only affects 2018 IBC 3rd printing. It doesn’t affect any other code years, codes, or editions.

Every customer affected received a letter that provided them with 1 year of premiumACCESS. We are additionally sending them a free 4th edition of the book.

We’ve included some FAQs that you might also have about this reprinting:

What about this replacement book?
We have mailed a significant portion of the 4th edition of the books to customers we know are affected.

What if I ordered more than one copy of the book? 
These customers are being sent multiple copies of the books and multiple codes for premiumACCESS.

How do I find out what is different about this edition than the last edition? 
Contact us at customersuccess@iccsafe.org for the errata.

What if I had a soft copy and now need tabs? 
Reach out to our Customer Service team at  888-422-7233 ext. 33801 and we will send you replacement tabs at no charge.

What if I don’t want a new copy of my book and want a different book instead?
Since this change did not affect any other title or book, we are providing only the replacement printed copy of the 2018 IBC and 1 year of premiumACCESS.

Updated on February 21, 2020

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