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  4. How do I retrieve or reset my myICC account password?
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  3. How do I retrieve or reset my myICC account password?
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  3. How do I retrieve or reset my myICC account password?

How do I retrieve or reset my myICC account password?

Recovering your password only takes a few minutes.

Step 1: Go on the main page at www.iccsafe.org.

Step 2: Click on the Sign In button.

Step 3: Click on Reset My Password?

Step 4: Enter your email address and select ‘Reset My Password’

Step 5: After selecting Reset my password, you will be notified that an email has been sent with the password link


Step 6: Once you have selected the password link within your email, you will be redirected to enter your new password and select “Set New Password”.

*Reminder:  New passwords should be 8 – 14 characters and have at least one special character, number, upper- and lower- case letter.

If you are unable to reset your password using this method, please feel free to contact us at customersuccess@iccsafe.org or by using the chat function.

Updated on February 22, 2022

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