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  4. Where can I get CEUs?
  1. Home
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  3. CEUs
  4. Where can I get CEUs?
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  2. ICC Training
  3. Where can I get CEUs?

Where can I get CEUs?

CEUs can be used to renew your certifications with ICC, or even just to stay up to date with recent code developments and changes.

There are several ways for you to gain CEUs. For a complete list and information on how to enter these CEUs, click here.

As a reminder, 50% of CEUs required for renewals must be from ICC or one of our Preferred Providers. Here are some ways to gain ICC/PPN CEUs:

  • You can visit our ICC Training page to obtain CEUs. There are several options to on the Training webpage.
    • Use the Search Bar located at the top of the page just beneath the web address bar to search courses by use of keywords.
  • You can also visit our Preferred Provider Program website.
    • Click “For Student” to locate more information about courses offered.
    • You can use the filter to see the courses that best fit your needs.

You may also obtain CEU credits that can be applied to your overall CEU total, but do not count as an inside ICC CEU. These include (but are not limited to):

  • Passing a new ICC exam
  • Participating in training provided by your employer
  • Taking courses at an accredited institution like a college or university
  • Participating in training provided by someone other than ICC or a Preferred Provider
  • For a more robust list of the options available, click here.
Updated on March 25, 2025

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