Premium Code Insights

Code Insights provide greater understanding to the codes through supplemental content  describing intent of the code or changes impacting the code as it is currently written.  Accessible to all Premium users, sections with Code Insights available are identified by the gold “P” icon immediately following the section title.  The Code Insights are listed as a row immediately following the full section contents.


 Hovering over the category will provide a description of the information contained within.

Clicking on the category will open a modal presenting the information (either in text, visual or video format) for you to consume.  Each Code Insight contains a rating system allowing users to provide feedback on the value of the contents.

Code Change Details Code Insight

Premium Answers Code Insight

Additionally, Premium users can access all sections with a Premium Insight via the Insights tab and filter by specific Insight category.

Digital Codes Premium has a constantly expanding number of Premium Code Insight snippets being added across available titles.  Category types for Premium Code Insights include:

  • Code Change Details – Comprehensive background on each change including the original proposal, committee action, and final action documentation. Serves to simplify researching the history of a new, revised or deleted code section between cycles by showing approved changes in legislative format helping the understanding, interpretation and intent of the I-Code provisions.
  • Hearing Videos – Recording testimony and rebuttal regarding change proposals from the ICC Committee Action and ICC Public Comment Hearings. The discussion provides context behind technical changes incorporated into the current version of the I-Codes.
  • Key Changes – Sourced from the Significant Changes series, each change analysis features the affected code sections and identifies the change with strikethroughs and underlines to show modifications to the existing language. Each change is accompanied by a quick summary, detailed illustrations, and discussion of its significance, which brings the technical jargon of the code to life in a real-world setting
  • Commentary Excerpts – Extracted from the full Commentary title, this easy-to-reference format focuses on providing the full meaning and implications of the code. Designed to suggest the most effective method of application, and the consequences of not adhering to the code.
  • Premium Answers – Premium Answers delivers a constantly expanding searchable database of questions and their carefully crafted interpretations from the ICC team of technical experts.
  • Compliance Calculators – Digital Codes Premium is partnering with ClearCalcs on a compliance calculator pilot that will provide access to Premium Complete users to three structural compliance calculators: Beam Analysis, Concrete Pier Footing and Cross Section Database.
  • cdpACCESS Proposals Under Consideration Tags – cdpACCESS (, which stands for code development process ACCESS, is a web based tool available to everyone which facilitates the process by which the I-Codes get updated every 3 years. Registered ICC account holders can sign in and submit proposals to add, remove, or modify sections of the 2024 I-Codes. These proposals are reviewed in Committee Action Hearings by a council of peers, who listen to testimony and may suggest further changes (Committee Modifications). Proposals then go through an online vote by validated users within cdpACCESS. Approved changes are incorporated into the next I-Code cycle, including the 2027 I-Codes.While browsing through your code titles, you will notice blue “CDP” tags following relevant section headings. This is to flag that it 
Updated on February 14, 2025

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