With a Digital Codes Premium subscription, you can easily share content with others. This provides the ability to share notes, code titles, section links and bookmarks. This article outlines how to share both notes and code sections with others.
How to Share Notes:
Every section note has a unique URL. You can email that URL link. The email recipient must have an ICC account to open the note link in the email message.
- To email a section note link, click the Share icon and type a message (up to 100 characters).
2. Add one or more email addresses and then click the green Submit button.
How to Share Code Sections:
The Copy Link tool can be used to share specific code sections with others and is found in the Section Action Toolbar throughout all code sections and utilized by both signed in and non-signed in users. This linking tool allows for for quick return to specific code sections and efficient sharing. Select the link icon in the Section Action Toolbar to copy the code section URL to your clipboard. You can share the link to the Title Section with another party via email and even send the link to parties that do not have an ICC account. You can also paste the URL in your browser. Please Note: as content gets updated for errata, a new URL is generated. However, the system will alert you that “A newer version is available.”