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cdpACCESS Proposals Under Consideration Tags

cdpACCESS Proposals Under Consideration Tags are now live on Digital Codes Premium. cdpACCESS (cdpaccess.com), which stands for code development process ACCESS, is a web based tool available to everyone which facilitates the process by which the I-Codes get updated every 3 years. Registered ICC account holders can sign in and submit proposals to add, remove, or modify sections of the 2024 I-Codes. These proposals are reviewed in Committee Action Hearings by a council of peers, who listen to testimony and may suggest further changes (Committee Modifications). Proposals then go through an online vote by validated users within cdpACCESS. Approved changes are incorporated into the next I-Code cycle, including the 2027 I-Codes.

The newly added cdpACCESS Proposals Under Consideration Tags can be accessed by all Digital Codes Premium users and are seamlessly integrated within code titles.While browsing through your code titles, you will notice blue “CDP” tags following relevant section headings. This is to flag that it

Simply hover your mouse over the blue CDP tag or quickly click to access full information regarding the proposals under consideration:

Once selecting the CDP tag, a dialog box will appear including the proposals under consideration for the tagged section. Proposals listed are under active consideration within the code development process for integration to the next cycle’s version of the model code:

As you continue to scroll through the proposed changes, you will notice various suggested edits such as the example seen below:

To learn more about the Code Development Process, including how to participate in expert reviews and online voting to influence the future 2027 I-Codes, click here.


Updated on July 8, 2024

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