1. Getting Started
The Billing Frequency setting allows users to change the duration of your billing as desired. Frequency options include monthly, annually, or every three years. To get started, log into Digital Codes and ensure that you have Auto-Renew activated to access this feature. Next, click into your “Billing Settings” found in the navigation menu in the upper right corner, seen in the image below. This will direct you to your personalized account billing page. Here you can find all of your subscription billing details.
2. Change Billing Frequency
Once directed to your billing page, click the vertical dots next to one of your Premium Subscriptions to view options. Next, select “Change Billing Frequency”. (See image below)
After selecting “Change Billing Frequency”, you will then see a summary of your subscription details and the options to change your billing frequency preference. In the example below, we can see that the Billing Frequency is currently set to monthly. You will also notice the Auto-renew day and monthly price currently being billed for the subscription.
Here you can change this preference at your leisure. For instance, if you would like to change your preferences to billed on an annual basis, simply click “Annually” or ” to preview how this would change your billed subscription rate, seen in the example image below.
Once you have selected to change your billing frequency to a new duration, you will then view the summary of your changes as seen below. Here you will see the frequency changed and the Auto-renew date and rates. The changes are seen in green text. Once you are satisfied with your changes, click the gold “Submit” button to complete your changes. (See image below)
3. Confirmation of Changes
Once you have submitted the change in your billing frequency, you will then see the green confirmation box at the top of the Billing Page, showing that your changes have been successfully applied. (See image below). You will also notice the text under billing frequency (red arrow below) will be updated to your selected billing duration. In the example below, you will notice the text now reads “Changes to Annually on auto-renew”.