What are the deadlines for registering for the conference? Registration is open for the 2023 Annual Conference. Click here to register.
How to Begin a Premium Complete Trial Explore the entire digital library risk free. Sign up for the 14-day Premium Complete Trial and get access to our...
How do I register/create a myICC account? This guide will show customers how to create an myICC account with the International Code Council
If a GMVR has been properly validated at any point in the current Code Development Cycle, does the Primary Representative need to re-validate the GMVR for the Annual Business Meeting, Public Comment Hearing and Online Governmental Consensus Vote? No. Only one online validation form must be completed each code cycle, unless there are updates or changes to be...
Do I have to be connected to the internet to read my eBook? This guide talks through accessing your Code Council eBook without internet connection.
What is Digital Codes (DC) for Exams? ICC Digital Codes (DC) for Exams integrates the Digital Codes platform directly into an online exam experience, further enhancing online...
What is the role of the ICC energy committees previously established to hear changes for the 2024 IECC? Because of the change in the development process, code change proposals for the 2024 IECC will no longer be heard...
What is the role of the Sustainability, Energy and High-Performance Code Action Committee (SEHPCAC) and the Sustainability Membership Council (SMC) in the nominations process? SEHPCAC and the SMC – similar to all other interested parties – are encouraged to provide nominations on behalf of...
How are the development committees different from the Energy and Carbon Advisory Council The IECC Development Committees are technical bodies responsible for the content of the IECC and will meet frequently to work...
What happens if a committee member leaves a jurisdiction or their organization in the middle of a development cycle or is otherwise unable to continue on the committee? If a committee member is no longer able to continue on the committee, the Code Council Board of Directors will...