How do I purchase an eBook? This guide shows you how to purchase and activate your Code Council eBook.
How did the Technical Training program get its start? Harford Technical High School students were constructing a Habitat for Humanity home, which had to comply with the International Residential...
I’ve let my ICC Membership account expire. What can I do to reinstate my account? ICC Memberships are available for a “grace period” of 90 days past the expiration date. During this time, simply log...
How will the committees address the provisions that apply to either commercial or residential buildings? There will be two separate committees responsible for development of the IECC. One committee will cover provisions applicable to commercial...
When can I apply for the development committees? A call for committee members was issued in March 2021 and committee members were named by the Code Council Board...
How can I participate in the standards development process? Like the code development process, anyone can submit a proposed change and submit comments on others’ proposed changes via an...
Will this change affect the IECC’s adoptability as a model code or its position as a part of the family of International Codes (I-Codes)? The IECC will keep its current name and stay on the three-year development cycle. It will remain a part of...
What are the key features of the Code Council’s new framework, Leading the Way to Energy Efficiency: A Path Forward on Energy and Sustainability to Confront a Changing Climate? The IECC will be part of a portfolio of greenhouse gas reduction solutions that could address electric vehicles, electrification and...
What will change for the IECC with the standard development process? The IECC will remain a code (called the IECC), but will be developed under a standards development process, like the...
How to Create Notes Digital Codes Premium allows you to add notes to all code sections to leave comments for future reference. These notes...