What will change about the substance of the IECC? The 2021 IECC will be the starting point for revisions for the 2024 IECC. The 2021 IECC base efficiency requirements...
What if I want to buy another copy of an eBook I bought before? Go through the same steps to purchase an eBook. On the Order Success page, you will get an Access Code....
How can I look up Certified Professionals? There are a couple of options to look for Certified Professionals. If you already have the Member ID or Email...
What happens if I don’t have access to internet? Can I still access my subscriptions? Our subscription model is designed to work in the cloud to house you’re the titles you are subscribed to online....
How do I add employees to my Governmental or Corporate Membership profile so they can have benefits? Simply email Members@iccsafe.org . Include your member number, the name of each employee, and his/her email address. Member Services staff...
Who has access to the new Voter Validation system? Only Primary Representatives have access to the new system in order to ensure that the Primary Representative has the sole...
Who will be on the IECC Development Committees? The Code Council Consensus Procedures comply with ANSI’s Essential Requirements, which ensure committee balance. Recognizing the important role of governments...
I forgot my password – how do I login? I forgot my password? How do I recover it? You forgot your password? No worries, it should take you no...
Do I have to update my password? Beginning January 23rd, we’re optimizing our website experience and are asking all users to take the steps to reset their...
How to Navigate Contents Across Premium Titles Top-Left Navigation Menu (Hamburger Menu) Search Bar: Title Search and Content Search Digital Codes Premium Dashboard Continue Where You Left...