Does a Governmental Member need to revalidate GMVRs every code cycle? Yes, one online validation form must be completed per code cycle, subject to the deadlines referenced above. The process is...
How do I schedule my National Contractor exam on Pearson Vue’s website? This walk-though will guide customers on successfully scheduling their exam through the Pearson Vue website
Using a Concurrent Access Code Using a Concurrent Access Code: To access a concurrent code, you must enter it in the modal that is shown...
How will obtaining a Certificate of Completion help a Technical Training Program student after graduation? A Certificate of Completion gives students an advantage in entering the building safety industry, as it shows their familiarity with...
My students have taken and passed an exam. How do I request their Certificates of Completion for this discipline? You can request Certificates of Completion using the form here. We will mail you the certificates and pins for your...
I would like to teach my school leadership about the Technical Training Program. Are there any resources used to teach others about the TTP? We have created a PowerPoint found here you can use to share information about the program in a variety of...
My Technical Training Program students are ready to take one of the six discipline exams – how do I access the exams? Fill out the Request for Final Exams form here in order to receive the relevant exams via email.
Whom may I contact if I have questions about the voter validation process? Member Services staff are available to help at or at 888-ICC-SAFE (888-422-7233) x33804.
Where can I view the codes for free? The Code Council offers a small selection of free, read-only format (no copy, paste, or print) available here. We recommend...