Where do I obtain the books for my exam? Reference materials for each exam are located in the exam catalog (for National Certification exams) or in the corresponding exam...
When will I get my results? Results for examinations taken online or at a testing site are available immediately after completion of the examination.
When and where can I test? PRONTO Remote Online examinations are available 24/7, 365 days a year, in any secure location such as your home or office....
What type of question format will be used in the exam? Test questions are in four-option, multiple-choice format, with one answer on each question scored as correct.
What is the best way to prepare for an exam? The first step to prepare for an examination is by first obtaining the Examination Content Outlines. To access this information:...
What score do I need to pass? Generally speaking, a contractor/trade exam requires a score of 70 to pass whereas certification exams require a 75. We strongly...
Can you use Premium Access when taking a PRONTO Certification test? Not at this time, but it is a feature we have been exploring and may offer in the future.
When can I take an exam through PRONTO? Remote Proctoring PRONTO services reflect the demand for flexibility and control over scheduling for the modern-day tester, making exams accessible...
What do I need in order to test through PRONTO? To participate in PRONTO, individuals need to have a computer, web cam, microphone and high-speed* (broadband) internet access. You can...
Can my exam score be cancelled? The Code Council reserves the right to revoke or withhold any examination scores if, in its sole opinion, there is...