Can I use both DC for Exams and hardcopy references? Yes, you can use both DC for Exams and your hardcopy references.
Can I use my hardcopy book(s) instead? Yes! You can use hardcopy books. Use of the DC for Exams feature is not required.
Are all of the exam references on DC for Exams? All examination references which are currently available in Digital Codes Premium are included in DC for Exams. We are continually...
I don’t have a Digital Codes subscription; can I still use this feature? Yes! This feature is available to anyone taking a PRONTO examination that includes this feature.
What if I get disconnected during my PRONTO exam? If you get disconnected at any point during a PRONTO exam administration, you should contact ProctorU immediately via chat or...
What if I can’t hear or understand the proctor during my PRONTO exam? If you have trouble hearing or understanding your proctor, you can use the ProctorU chat feature during your exam. ...
How to Enter and Submit CEU Activity for Option 02: Participation or attendance at ICC Code Development Hearing(s) This Activity includes: Log in to your myICC account and access the Submit CEUs window. Need help getting there? Click here!...
How to Enter and Submit CEU Activity for Option 1: Participation as a student or instructor in an on-site seminar or technical session; completion of an e-Learning program On your myICC account, Access the Submit CEUs Window. Need help getting there? Click here! 1. Type in “ICC” for the CEU...
How to Enter and Submit CEU Activity for Option 11: Completion of evaluation in role as an IAS Building Department Evaluator On your myICC account, access the Submit CEUs Window. Need help getting there? Click here! For CEU Provider, enter your Name For CEU...
How to Enter and Submit CEU Activity for Option 10: Publication of a code-related or building design/construction paper, book, or technical article for an academic institution, professional trade journal, or ICC publication On your myICC account, Access the Submit CEUs Window. Need help getting there? Click here! For CEU Provider, enter your Name. For CEU...