What questions did I miss on the exam? ICC does not provide candidates with a list of questions on an exam that were missed. ICC does provide every...
I work with DCRA and I need my refund DCRA is the District of Columbia Regulatory Agency. The DCRA is developing a program that is designed to be able...
I want to file a complaint about a certified individual We certainly understand that ICC Certification comes with the expectation of excellence, and we are very sorry to hear that...
Why can’t I see my exam/certification when I log into myICC? Here are a few quick reasons you might not be seeing your certification when you log in: You are looking...
Navigating Profiles within Account Menu The user account menu displays all available profiles for navigating Digital Codes Premium. Each profile provides access to Digital Codes...
NCPCCI Reciprocity The Code Council and NCPCCI have worked together so that individuals who have passed appropriate NCPCCI exams can now receive...
Using the Exam Catalog Go to www.iccsafe.org/certification-exam-catalog/ In the Catalog Search, you can search for your exam in different ways. You can search for the...
How do I view my PRONTO Exam Report online? First, access your PRONTO Dashboard through your myICC account. When you get to “My Online Exams”, click the “History” button....
How do I submit my Continuing Education Units (CEUs) on myICC? CEUs are submitted through your myICC account. Click here for a step-by-step article that will guide you through the process....
How to Enter and Submit CEU Activity for Options 03: Participation or attendance at ICC Code development hearings through cdpACCESS log-in This Activity includes: Log in to your myICC account and access the Submit CEUs window. Need help getting there? Click here!...