What if I need help connecting to a proctor for my PRONTO exam? You’ll have multiple ways to get technical support with our proctoring service for PRONTO called ProctorU 24/7, 365 days a...
How do I gain my Education Certificates, CEUs, or proof of attendance from events at the Code Council Annual Conference? If you were in an Education Session: All certificates are available for download/print through the Learning Center website. If you have issues...
Can I take notes during my exam? While you are not allowed to write or mark in your reference materials during your exam, there will be other...
Using the Code Section Action Toolbar With an active Premium subscription, users will see a toolbar icon in the upper right corner for each section when...
I’m trying to buy my exam, but it says my cart is empty. What do I do? To try to resolve and continue to checkout we recommend: Go to shop.iccsafe.org and log in directly to the store....
I’m interested in PRONTO@Work – how do I get started? We’re glad to hear you are interested in becoming a PRONTO@Work site! A few things to keep in mind: PRONTO@work...
I want to get certified. Where do I start? As you get started, there are several options that may help you prepare: We always recommend that you contact your...
What are the steps to become either a Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector or a Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector Associate? Part of the certification process for the Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector (49) certification is not only to complete all the...
IECC/HERS combination designation The Code Council does offer an IECC/HERS Compliance Specialist Designation (ECS) for HERS raters who are certified by RESNET or...
I passed my exam, but I don’t see a score. What did I make? ICC provides numerical scores for individuals who do not pass an exam. Exam pass is meant to measure minimal competency,...