How do I Edit/Update or Delete/Remove a CEU I submitted? Once you have logged in to your myICC account, go to My CEUs on your Dashboard. Under your Available...
How do I view the exam modules I took? Can I renew these? You will be able to view the exam modules you are taking towards a CBO/CFM designation on your myICC account....
Who is on the code development committees for 2022? You can find the rosters for the code development committees here. The appointments may be subject to change, prior to...
How do I purchase a CLA, Credential of Learning Achievement? If you would like to purchase a CLA, Credential of Learning Achievement , follow along below on how to complete...
How do I find out exam content? When you search for your exam on the Exam Catalog, click on the Outline tab. What’s on the Content Outline?...
Sharing Premium Licenses through Concurrent Access Concurrent access supports collaboration across teams through a shared access to Digital Codes Premium subscriptions. With Concurrent Access, a Digital...
What are the prerequisites for the Prestressed Concrete Special Inspector Certification? Obtain the 49 – Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector Certification. Pass the 92C – Prestressed Concrete Special Inspector Codes Exam. Pass...
Are paper plans for Code Council exams available? We are no longer providing paper plans for our examinations. As part of the Code Council’s mission to digitally transform...
Payment/Credit Card Troubleshooting Here are some tips to help troubleshoot your issue: Make sure you have entered the correct card number and CVV code. Are you...
PRONTO System Requirements Verify you meet PRONTO system requirements here. If you are having trouble connecting with your proctor, please contact ProctorU....